Usage versus manufacturing - a dilemma

I really struggle with this. Clearly the manufacturing of tech uses carbon. Let's take for example a laptop. We should make sure that we really get use of the carbon spent producing it. So in theory we should just keep using it forever. On the other hand more modern devices use less power. Actually, the older devices get, the more energy they seem to consume. 

So when is the right time to replace them??? My favourite approach is to look at finance. Depending on your company and tax legislation laptops tend to be depreciated over 3 to 4 years. The reasoning for the time span is the commercially viable live of the device. Basically saying that after 3 to 4 years the device is outdated and can't really cope with the demands of modern software and usage. 

Are there any better ways of looking at this? I really would appreciate comments and insights. 


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